07547 987372

Championing good quality food

Lemon Drizzle



8 oz Self raising flour
8 oz Castor sugar
8 oz unsalted butter
4 medium eggs
2 lemons
icing sugar watered down to thick paste

1. Soften butter
2. Add Sugar and beat for 3 to 4 minutes until almost white.
3. Add 4 full eggs mix in until all combined
4. Add zest of one lemon and mix in
5. Add flour and mix in until you have a smooth batter
6. Line 2 1llb oblong cake tins wit grease proof paper, butter tins before adding paper
7. Pour in mix and spread as evenly as possible
8. Place in pre heated 180 degrees oven and cook for 35 to 45 minutes. I turn tins half way through cooking
9. Remove from oven prick with stick/knife add lemon juice from the 2 lemons